
  • The test has a total of 25 questions.
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  • The test time is 10 minutes.

Top 25 Android Interview MCQ Question

Q 1.
What is Android?

Q 2.
How to pass the data between activities in Android?

Q 3.
What is a splash screen in Android?

Q 4.
What is ANR in Android?

Q 5.
How many broadcast receivers are available in Android?

Q 6.
Which permissions are required to get a location in Android?

Q 7.
What are the debugging techniques available in Android?

Q 8.
What is an HTTP client class in Android?

Q 9.
What is the purpose of super.onCreate() in Android?

Q 10.
What is bean class in Android?

Q 11.
What are the return values of onStartCommand() in Android services?

Q 12.
What is a base adapter in Android?

Q 13.
What is the main difference between a set and a list in Android?

Q 14.
Q - What is the fragment life cycle in Android?

Q 15.
What is the library of Map View in Android?

Q 16.
What is an anonymous class in Android?

Q 17.
What is JNI in Android?

Q 18.
How many ports are allocated for the new emulator?

Q 19.
How to get a response from an activity in Android?

Q 20.
What does httpclient.execute() returns in Android?

Q 21.
What is the Android view group?

Q 22.
What is the difference between services and threads in Android?

Q 23.
How to move services to the foreground in Android?

Q 24.
What are the functionalities of asyncTask in Android?

Q 25.
Which permissions are required to get a location in Android?
